Applying for Membership
We prefer emailed applications, however you may print and mail or drop off completed forms to #31 -600 Falcon Dr. Port Moody, BC V3H 4E1.
When your application is received your name will be placed on the appropriate wait list for potential membership.
Once a unit becomes available, applicants for that size of unit are interviewed by the Membership Committee. If it is your turn on the wait list, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. Supporting income documents will be required at interview. Please note that there is a $20 Credit Check fee due at time of interview as well.
We strive to interview all family members and do request all the family be present.
Then the same committee members meet & decide on the candidate(s) and advise of the next steps.
*Please update your application information every 6 months, especially if your living situation changes.
Housing Charges
Unit Type
1 Bdrm Apt
2 Bdrm Ctr Apt
2 Bdrm End Unit Apt
2 Bdrm Townhouse
3 Bdrm Townhouse
Sq Ft
Monthly Charge
*Square footage doesn’t show for all townhouses.
Share Purchase price for all units is $2,500.00.
Salal Co-op is currently NOT accepting new applications.